History of the Parsis: including their manners, customs, religion and present position by Dosabhai Framji Karaka; in two volumes. London, 1884.
Category: Asia
Costume and fashion history of Asia. Manners and Customs. Collected from rare sources.
A Female Shaman, or Sorceress of Krasnojarsk.
Magician, Shamane, Devineresse, Krasnojarsk, Siberia, Russia,
A Koriak in his Holiday Dress.
A Koriak in his Holiday Dress. Un Koriak en Habit de Fête. THE ties of blood form no obstacle to the conjugal union of the Koriaks. They are permitted to… Read More
A Female Koriak in traditional Kamtchatka dress.
A Female Koriak in traditional Kamtchatka dress. Une Koriake. THE stationary Koriaks are far from entertaining the jealous sentiments of their neighbors, of whom we have just spoken: on the… Read More
A Koriak in traditional Kamtchatka dress.
A Koriak in traditional Kamtchatka dress. Un Koriak. THE Koryaks are, principally, scattered to the north of the Pengina lake and the peninsula of Kamtchatka, as far as the coasts of… Read More
A Kyrgyz on Horseback. Sara-Kaisaki, or Cossacks of the desert.
The Kyrgyz dress in the Oriental Costume; but their clothes are generally better than those worn by the other Tartars
A Female Kyrgyz . The Costume of the Empire of Russia.
The Kyrgyz, in renouncing their religion, have, however, preserved their magicians.
The Inside of A Winter Habitation in Kamtchatka.
The Inside of A Winter Habitation in Kamtchatka. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by the Command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere. Performed under the… Read More
A Kamchadale in his Winter Dress.
A Kamchadale in his Winter Dress. Un Kamtchadale en Habit d’Hiver. A CHAIN of stony and barren mountains, extending from the fifty-first to the sixty-second degree of north latitude, forms… Read More
Woman from Kamtschatka in ordinary dress
A Kamchadale in his ordinary Dress. Un Kamtchadale en habit ordinaire. WHEN we consider the natural productions of Kamchatka, and the severity of the climate of this peninsula, some idea… Read More