Fibula of gold and bronze. Pendant or bulla of gold. Pin and Buckle of of bronze. Discovered at Wingham, near Canterbury, in 1843.
Category: England
Period Costumes and Fashion from England, Regency, Empire, Georgian, Directory, Victorian and Tudor dresses.
A splendid example of the late 1820’s fashion. Romantic period.
The hand bag and parasol illustrate two of the most common accessories of the 19th century.
The Mower by Sir William Hamo Thornycroft. Italian model Orazio Cervi.
The Mower (1888) by Sir W. H. Thornycroft is apparently the first portrayal in British sculpture of a labourer in his working clothes.
Empire Romantic period. Formal evening wear. Party dress.
The party dress here shows definite leanings toward the Romantic period, which began with 1815.
An enamelled alms dish with fleurs-de-lys and arabesque ornaments.
An enamelled alms bowl with fleurs-de-lys and arabesque ornaments. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages. 13th century.
Early Victorian fashion around 1860. Informal afternoon outfit.
Man in striped suit with frock coat, flat hat, lace-up tie and checked waistcoat. The woman wears a voluminous dress, the waist figure accentuated, the skirt supported by a steel frame.
England Early Victorian. The crinoline of the mid-forties of the 19th century
Early Victorian. 1840-1865. The crinoline of the mid-forties was probably the most concealing costume ever worn by women.
England 1880’s men’s and milady’s fashion. Late Victorian costumes.
A lady in so called princess dress and waterfall hairstyle. The bearded gentleman is dressed in formal afternoon attire, wearing a cut-away coat, horseshoe stickpin, and boutonniere.
Late Victorian era. Aristocrats afternoon wardrobe.
This man and woman on their way to church are dressed in a manner becoming the late Victorian aristocrats on a semiformal afternoon occasion.
Eastbourne. Seaside resort on the English Channel.
The bay of Eastbourne is remarkably fine; to the west extends a strong wall rising up to Beachy Head, and crowned with a lighthouse.