Norman shipping 1066. The Commander’s ship, and a horse transport.
Category: Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Saxon King his armour-Bearer equipped for battle.
Anglo-Saxon King his armour-Bearer equipped for battle. Anno 750
Anglo-Saxon women. Anno 750.
The Anglo-Saxon women were habited with simplicity, convenience, and elegance.
Anglo-Saxon dress, ornaments and relics of gold and bronze.
The great love of the Saxons for display in dress and ornament led to a very, remarkable development of artistic skill in fashioning and decorating articles of jewelry, which were worn by men in greater profusion than by women.
Celtic Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts.
Facsimiles of the Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts. Polychromatic ornament by Auguste Racinet.
Anglo Saxon ornaments. Fibula, Pendant, Pin and Buckle.
Fibula of gold and bronze. Pendant or bulla of gold. Pin and Buckle of of bronze. Discovered at Wingham, near Canterbury, in 1843.
England Anglo-Norman fashion history, 1087-1100.
Fashion and costume history in the Reign of William II, called William Rufus. Medieval England Anglo-Norman 1087-1100.
The dress and decorations of the Anglo-Saxons. 8th to 11th century
The dress of the Anglo-Saxons. 8th to 11th century
The Art of cutting in England. The Norman Period.
The conquest of England by the Normans, under the command of William the Conqueror, effected a most important change in the laws, manners, customs, and costume of the inhabitants.
Norman Fashion Era. England Middle Ages 11th c.
Norman fashion era in England 1066-1087 according to historical sources.
Reign of William I. (The Conquerer) and Matilda of Flanders.