Costume Toque de Velours. Witz-choura de Satin.
Category: England
Period Costumes and Fashion from England, Regency, Empire, Georgian, Directory, Victorian and Tudor dresses.
Costume Robe Garnie en Chicorée. Coeffure Chinoise.
Costume Robe Garnie en Chicorée. Coeffure Chinoise.
Merveilleuse with costume Domino Garni de Dentelle.
French neoclassical fashion. Merveilleuse Costume Domino Garni de Dentelle. Cornette de Lévantine.
Echarpe Ecossaise. Neoclassical costume Broderies à Roues.
Costume Broderies à Roues. Chapeau de Paille d’Italie. Echarpe Ecossaise.
The Mitre of the bishop of Limerick, Ireland.
The Limerick Mitre. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages by Henry Shaw
Regency robe à la Polonaise of cherry-colored satin.
January 1795. England Afternoon dresses. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 1,. April 1794 to March 1795. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
Turban of Italian gauze. Lilac satin corset. May 1795.
England Regency costumes. Turban of Italian gauze. Lilac satin corset. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
Regency Queen Elizabeth’s ruff.
Regency Queen Elizabeth’s ruff of bread lace 1796. The Gallery of Fashion October 1796. England Evening dresses.
Regency dress of plain muslin. Bandeau of plain muslin.
Regency Dress of plain muslin. Bandeau of plain muslin. The Gallery of Fashion October 1796. England Morning dresses. MORNING DRESSES. FIG. CXIV. The toupee short, and frizzed in easy curls;… Read More
Regency Ranelagh Gardens costume. Italian dress.
Regency Ranelagh Gardens costume. Italian dress. The Gallery of Fashion September 1796.