Category: Louis XIV

Ninon de Lenclos. The Celebrated Beauty of the 17th Century.

Ninon, Lenclos, Lanclos, French author, courtesan, patron, arts,

Ninon de L’Enclos was a French liberal and educated intellectual, feminist, writer (La coquette vengée “The Flirt Avenged”) and lover of many also famous contemporaries. She was one of the outstanding women of the ancien regime, the participation in their Jours was a great society honor.

Louise Bénédicte de Bourbon-Condé, Duchesse du Maine.

Louise Bénédicte de Bourbon-Condé, Duchesse du Maine 1676-1753, fashion, costume, coiffure

Louise Bénédicte de Bourbon, Mademoiselle d’Enghien, then Mademoiselle de Charolais, after her marriage Duchess of Maine (8 November 1676 in Paris; – 23 January 1753 ibid.), was a French high aristocrat.