The shoe was worn by the Countess of Portsmouth with fancy dress.
Category: Genre
This shoe considered as a chef-d’oeuvre in shoe manufacture of the times.
Shoe of the reign of Charles II. The shoe may be considered as a chef-d’oeuvre in shoe manufacture of the times.
Shoe of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Tudor 16th century.
This shoe is supposed to have belonged to the beautiful and unfortunate Mary Stuart Queen of Scots England Tudor fashion era 16th century.
Dresses for the home, based on Lesur & Cie fabrics.
Dresses for the home. Parisian style” models based on Lesur & Cie fabrics.
Art deco Diner Dresses.
Art deco Diner Dresses. Le style parisien 1915. Plate XVI. Robes de Diner. Modèles ” du Style Parisien ” . Garnitures de René Schiller & Co. Dress in tulle besprinkled with ” cabochons… Read More
British statesman. Philip Dormer Stanhope. Earl of Chesterfield.
Philip Dormer Stanhope. Earl of Chesterfield 1694 – 1773. Author of Letters to His Son and Letters to His Godson. British statesman & diplomat.
Shah Shuja as Emir of Afghanistan
Shah Shuja was Shah of Afghanistan from 1803 to 1809 and during the First British-Afghan War from 1839 to 1842.
Robes Simples. Lanvin, Dœuillet, Chéruit.
Simple gowns – Le style parisien 1915. Plate XV. Robes Simples. Lanvin, Dœuillet, Chéruit.
Dost Mohammad Khan. Ruler of Afghanistan.
Dost Mahommed King of Caubul and his youngest son by James Rattray (1848) Dost Mohammed (Moghul Khan) 1793-1863 was from 1826 to 1840 and from 1843 until his death, ruler of… Read More
Petites Robes Genre Tailleur. Le style parisien 1915.
Petites Robes Genre Tailleur. Le style parisien 1915. Plate XIV. Frock in pékiné green and black wool trimmed with black velvet. Frock in light snuff colored duveteen trimmed with black braidings.… Read More