Orphan girls at needlework 1884 A group of orphan girls from Lubeck Germany at needlework in the workroom of the orphanage. Painting by G. Kuehl 1884.
Category: Genre
Woman from Waidhofen, Austria in traditional costume, 1910.
Woman from Waidhofen, Austria in traditional costume, 1910. Photography by Albert Freiherr von Rothschild. From the album, amateur art. Publisher of the Society for multiplying Arts Vienna.
Persian silk velvet fabrics 16th century
Persian silk velvet fabrics 16th century.
Bourgeoise in folk costume from Jászsági, lower Hungary.
Bourgeoise in folk costume from Jászsági, lower Hungary. Allemagne. Nº 10 Bourgeoise de J’Azberény. (District des Jazyges) (Basse Hongrie). Gallery: Folk dresses from Norway, Dutch, Germany and Hungaria.
Silk fabric with velvet apliques. Louis XIIIth period.
XVII Century. French factory. (Louis XIII.) Silk fabric with velvet apliques. Musée de Cluny.
Two-tone fabric design. Louis-quatorze. France 17th century.
Two-tone fabric of the baroque period. France 17th century. French factory. Collection of Mr. Mallet Boullay.
Silk fabric enhanced with silver. 17th c.
XVII Siècle. Fabrique Française. Étoffe de soie rehaussée d’argent.
France 15th century fabric wall hanging
France 15th century fabric wall hanging This hanging produces such a decorative effect that one would like to see a grand hall of the XVth century thus hang and decorated.… Read More
Italian Renaissance Fabrics 15th century
Italian Renaissance Fabrics 15th century. XV Century. Italian school. Two tone fabric. In the Louvre. According to John Fisole (Fra Angelico). XV Siècle. École Italienne. Grandeur d’execution. Au museum du Louvre.… Read More
Firearms and offensive weapons. 16th century.
Accessories firearms and offensive weapons. Renaissance period, 16th century. XVI Century. French factory. Collections of Emperor Napoleon III. at the Louvre Museum.