Medieval tournament. Heavy cavalry 16th century. Knights riding to the tournament, 16th century. German Renaissance period.
Category: Genre
Peasant woman of Solothurn, Switzerland.
Woman in the costume of Solothurn, Switzerland. According to an illustration by Paul Gavarni.
Gloves in British fashion history.
British fashion history by Florence Mary Gardener. Gloves of King Henry VI., Queen Elizabeth, King James I., Queen Mary of scots, Hawking Glove.
Dinner of an European Ambassador in the Hall of the Divan.
Dinner of an European Ambassador with the Grand Vizier in the Hall of the Divan. The Divan of the Sublime Porte was the council of the Ottoman Empire.
Sufi Dervishes Dance. Ottoman Empire.
Sufi Dervishes Dance. Ottoman Empire. Whirling Dervishes Dance of the Mevlevi order. Title: Danse des Derwichs Mewlewis Published: L’Univers Pittoresque, Paris 1838.
Winter toilet 1906. Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes.
Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes. Specialist journal for the entire women’s costume compartment. Published by C. Heinemann, Berlin 1906.
Autumn costume of striped wool fabric. Journal illustré de modes.
Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes. Autumn costume of striped wool fabric, 1906.
Winter costume of plaid wool fabric 1906. Le costume moderne.
Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes. Winter costume of plaid wool fabric 1906.
Knights in armor riding to a tournament. 16th c.
Knights in armor riding to a tournament. Renaissance period 16th century Men-at-arms with lances, fully armored heavy cavalryman.
Knights in armor jousting. 16th century combat.
Knights in armor jousting. 16th century combat. German Renaissance period.