The ancient City of Tiberias, built by Herod Antipas, and named in honor of his patron, the Emperor Tiberius, has long since perished.
Category: Genre
Female fashion. The Capote. The Muff. The Baskine. Reign of Louis XIV.
Female fashion. Second half of the reign of Louis XIV. The Capote, The Muff. The Fontange. The Baskine. The lace apron. The House Dresses.
Cana of Galilee, Holy Land. General View by David Roberts.
In the New Testament, Cana is considered the setting of the wedding at Cana, which is exclusively narrated in John’s Gospel
People visiting the Fountain of Cana at Galilee, Israel.
People visiting the Fountain of Cana. Cana of Galilee, Israel: an ancient water fountain in use.
The Church of the Annunciation in the city of Nazareth, Israel.
The Church of the Annunciation in the city of Nazareth, Israel, is one of the main destinations for pilgrims visiting the Holy Land.
The clothing of the vestal virgins. The cult of Vesta in ancient Rome.
The clothing of the vestal virgins consisted of infula, vittae, suffibulum which was held together under the chin by a fibula
Costume variations of the Byzantine King and Queen. 400-1100 AD.
The two figures shown here represent several new varieties of Byzantine costume.
The Shrine of the Annunciation at Nazareth, Israel
Beneath the Church of the Annunciation at Nazareth, is a Shrine, lighted by silver lamps, which are kept continually burning.
The Franciscan Convent of the Terra Santa, Nazareth.
The Franciscan Convent of the Terra Santa had been originally built in 1620, on the site of a Church of remote antiquity.
Mount Tabor, the mountain of the world in Galilee in northern Israel.
Tabor is a beautiful mountain, wholly of limestone, and rising about a thousand feet above the great Plain of Esdraelon.