Royal and historic gloves and shoes. The Crackow was found in an ancient house in Toledo.
Category: Genre
Costumes of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt 2040 to 1782 BC.
The Egyptian Middle Kingdom is often referred to as the feudal era. Most usually associated with the Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Pharaohs.
The Kit-Cat club. Clubs and club life in London
This famous Club was a threefold celebrity—political, literary, and artistic. It was the great Society of Whig leaders, gallant as well as political.
Bust of a black African woman and man by Charles Cordier
Masterpieces of industrial art & sculpture at the International exhibition, 1862
Iona, the Sacred Isle. The Isle of the Druids.
The ancient Gaelic name of Iona was unis nan Druineach, the Isle of the Druids. The Westminster Abbey of Scotland.
Chalice and paten of Saint Gozlin, Bishop of Toul, 10th century.
Treasury of the Cathedral at Nancy. This chalice and paten are of gold, enriched with precious stones and small cloisonné enamels
Gothic Chair with a box-seat of the 15th century.
Example of a chair of the latter half of the fifteenth century, with decoration from the latest period of Gothic architecture
The Wapiti Deer or American Elk. Cervus canadensis.
Zoological sketches. The Wapiti Deer or American Elk of the New World.
The market cross at Glastonbury, Somerset.
Antiquities of Great-Britain. The market cross at Glastonbury, Somerset by Thomas Hearne
Longevity of Animals by Catherine Gore
A world of wonders, with anecdotes and opinions concerning popular superstitions by Albany Poyntz (Catherine Gore).