Head of Minerva.
A colossal head of Minerva, a specimen of very early Greek work. The face, with the exception of the tip of the nose, which is restored, is in the highest preservation, and retains, in some degree, the lustre of its original polish. The sockets of the eyes, which are now hollow, were originally filled with compositions intended to represent the natural appearance of the eye. The ears have been ornamented with pendents.
The upper part of the helmet is modern, but the lower part proves that it must have fitted close to the head, like those which we see on the most ancient silver coins of Athens. The artist who restored this head, seems, in the ornaments of the helmet, to have imitated a silver coin of the city of Nola, on which Minerva is in like manner represented with an owl on each side of her helmet.
It measures 2 feet 1 3/8inch in height.
Source: A description of the collection of ancient marbles in the British Museum: with engravings by British Museum. Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co., and sold at the British Museum [etc.] 1812.
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