Western theatre costumes in an attempt to depict the clothing of the Indian upper class
Chariot relating to a prince. Tell el-Amarna – 18th dynasty.
Chariot relating to a prince. Tell el-Amarna – 18th dynasty, called the Amarna period of ancient egypt.
Back of hunting. Necropolis of Thebes.
Painting: Return from the hunt (Thebes Necropolis – 17th dynasty)
Ancient Egypt boat hunter from Beni Hasan
Return of the boat hunter (Beni Hasan – 12th Dynasty.)
Native of Punt (Thebes: El-Assacif – 17th dynasty.).
Painting: Native of the country of Punt (Thebes: El-Assacif – XVII. dynasty).
Ancient Egypt hairstyles from various periods.
History of Egyptian Art. Types & portraits.
Ancient Egypt headdresses of ladies of various epochs.
Ancient Egypt headdresses of ladies of different epochs. Sculpture: Types & portraits (ladies of various ages). Sculpture: Types & portraits (dames de diverses époques). From the book: Histoire de l’art… Read More
Pharaoh Merenptah, Mienptah-Hotéphima.
Ancient Egypt costume of Pharaoh Merenptah, Mienptah-Hotéphima.
Egyptian player of mandore. Necropolis of Thebes.
Egyptian Painting: Player of mandore (Necropolis of Thebes. – Eighteenth Dynasty.). Peinture: Joueuse de mandore. Nécrolpole de Thèbes – XVIIIe. dynastie.
Ancient Egypt Queen Nebto daughter of Ramses Miamun
Portrait of Ancient Egypt Queen Nebto daughter of Ramesses II Miamun (19th dynasty.)