Mordοvia Woman in traditional dress of the Moksha Tribe. Une Mordvine, de la Tribu Mokchanienne. THE head-dress of the females of the Mokchanien tribe is less costly than that of the… Read More
A Laplander in traditional folk dress.
Sami in historical dress. Un Lapon. A Laplander.
A Woman of Lapland in traditional dress.
Une Lapone. A Woman of Lapland. Costume of the Russian empire by Edward Harding.
Kuril Islands. Aboriginal Ainu.
The Kuriles are a chain of islands extending from the south promontory of Kamchatka as far as Japan.
Panama indian native costume
Women from Panama balance water jars on their heads, by Jo Bartas.
Parsis in India. The Parsee.
History of the Parsis: including their manners, customs, religion and present position by Dosabhai Framji Karaka; in two volumes. London, 1884.
Greek tragedy and comedy masks
Greek tragedy and comedy masks Greek pottery Tragic and comic masks seem to owe their origin in Greece to Bacchus’ feasts, wherein those, who took part in them, where in… Read More
A Female Shaman, or Sorceress of Krasnojarsk.
Magician, Shamane, Devineresse, Krasnojarsk, Siberia, Russia,
A Koriak in his Holiday Dress.
A Koriak in his Holiday Dress. Un Koriak en Habit de Fête. THE ties of blood form no obstacle to the conjugal union of the Koriaks. They are permitted to… Read More
A Female Koriak in traditional Kamtchatka dress.
A Female Koriak in traditional Kamtchatka dress. Une Koriake. THE stationary Koriaks are far from entertaining the jealous sentiments of their neighbors, of whom we have just spoken: on the… Read More