France 18th century. The Grand Lever. The morning toilet of a lady of status. The caracos, the shirts, the overskirt, etc. Female fashion during the reign of Louis XVI.
A transverse Spinet made by Stephen Keene at the end of 17th century.
Stephen Keene (about 1640-1719) was an English instrument maker. He made harpsichords, spinets and virginals in his workshop in London.
High dignitaries of the Mughal Empire. India, 17th century.
Murad Bakhsh, Imperial Prince, son of Shah Jahan and brother of the Grand Mogul Aurangzeb. Ruler of Delhi. Indian prince, governor of the Grand Mogul.
Robe de Cour avec son panier, garnie de feuilles de chêne en guirlandes.
Grandes robes d’étiquette à la cour de Marie-Antoinette. Robe de Cour avec son panier, garnie de feuilles de chêne en guirlandes. A Madame la Comtesse d’Oyras 1786.
Emperor of the dynasty of the Grand Mughals. Prince of the Rajputs.
India. Emperor of the dynasty of the Grand Mughals. Rajput Prince. Historical portraits. Azem Shah, Shah Alem.
India. The Rajputs. Portraits of the last rulers of the Kingdom of Telingana.
The illustrations belong to the 17th century and are part of a series of portraits of the last rulers of the Kingdom of Telingana, of which Golkonda was the capital.
Bronze stage shoe of Ada Cavendish with Louis heel. Victorian Era.
Three bronze shoes, the first worn on stage by the actress Miss Ada Cavendish. Ladies’ Dress Shoes of the Nineteenth Century.
Royal and Republican Navy uniforms. France 18th century.
The uniforms of the French Navy under the government of Louis XVI and the revolution. 18th century.
Clothing of the middle classes in France during the rococo period.
France 18th century. Costumes of the middle classes. Bourgeois women and their children. Rococo period.
Bagpipes. The Musette, Zampogna, Hurdy-gurdy and Cornemuse.
The Bagpipe (Cornemuse and Musette) and the hurdy- gurdy (Vielle) were, after the thirteenth century, banished to the lower orders, to the blind and to the wandering mendicant class.