St. Peter’s as the most splendid monument of religion and art
Tag: Architecture
Castle of Thurnberg. Called also “The Mouse”.
Castle of Thurnberg is the most perfect of all the Rhenish castles. In sublimity of character, the feudal palace of Thurnberg is unequalled.
Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire, England.
Ely Cathedral is considered a masterpiece of medieval architecture.
Castel Del Monte, built by Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen.
The Castel del Monte is a building from the time of the Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick II (1194-1250) in Apulia in south-eastern Italy.
Cologne, on the Rhine, Germany 19th c..
Cologne, viewed from the water, appears with more of ancient majesty than from any other point.
Harbour Street, Kingston, Jamaica
Harbour Street and King Street, crossing each other at right angles, are the principal streets in Kingston.
The King’s Square in St Jago de la Vega
The King’s Square in St Jago de la Vega (Spanish Town), which was the capital of Jamaica until 1872, when it transferred to Kingston.
Arch of Trajan on the mole at Ancona.
This Arch was a tribute of gratitude to the Emperor Trajan, and was erected in the year 115 A. D.
Interior of the Great Temple at Baalbek.
The ruins of Baalbek. Drawn from nature by W. H. Bartlett
The Louvre and Tuileries at Paris.
The Louvre and the Tuileries, were once central residences of the French monarchies