France. The fashion of the dandies from 1801 to 1805. Paris in transition from Directoire to Empire.
Tag: Auguste Racinet
The Costume History in Chronological Development by Auguste Racinet. Edited by Adolf Rosenberg. Berlin 1888.
The Bigouden of Pont-l’Abbé. Sables-d’Olonne. Costumes of Brittany.
Brittany (fr. Bretagne). Hairdresses of women and children: The Bigouden of Pont-l’Abbé and Cabelou. Women of Sables-d’Olonne. Saltwinning population of the Guérande peninsula: Costume of the married; the Ventel, church cloak.
Italy. Rural costumes. The farmers of the Terra di Lavoro. The Pifferari.
The figures represent inhabitants of Monte Cassino, the old Casinum, in the Terra di Lavoro, as they walk through the streets of Rome as models and through the capitals of the mainland as musicians.
Greek Art. Conventional Flora, Fretwork, and Meanders.
Greek Art. Examples of the flora of Magna Græcia. Painted antefixæ. Terra cotta ornaments. Paintings on vases. Fret-work or meanders.
Religious sacrificial ceremonies of Romans in ancient times.
Various depictions and descriptions of bloody and bloodless sacrificial ceremonies of the ancient Romans. The cultrarius, the camillus, the spondaules, the victim butchers, victimarii, the popa.
Musical instruments. Wind and Stringed instruments of ancient Rome.
Rome. Musical instruments. Wind instruments. Stringed instruments. Cymbals, Timpani and castanets.
The Atrium. Interior of an ancient Roman palace.
The atrium was connected to several side rooms, which were closed by doors, and two open rooms, the latter being called alae.
Gauls. The inhabitants of Gaul before the Roman conquest.
Gauls. Male and female types. Gallic chief. Merovingian chief. Frankish warrior with the Scamasax. Farmers. Flag Bearer. Horsemen. Warrior types of the Salian Franks. The bardocucullus. The carnyx, war trumpet.
Inner courtyard of an Indian harem of the Mughal period.
The story about Zuleikha and Joseph. Facsimile of an Indian-Persian miniature depicts Zuleika introducing Joseph to her friends who are busy peeling oranges.
Pompeji. The Pompeian House. Roman architecture.
The Pompeian House. The Atrium. Plan and section of the house of the Pansa.