The history of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, one of the most ancient edifices in Paris.
Tag: Crafts
India. Summer Gardens of Kashmir. Gardens of the Great Mughals.
Summer Gardens of Kashmir. Mughal garden of Dara Shikoh at Bijbihara. Dara Shukoh’s Album. Verinag Bagh of Anantnag. Amarnath pilgrims. Achibal Bagh.
Conventional flora and flower work. Middle ages. 15th century.
THE details that fill the accompanying plate are too numerous for us to indicate the sources from which they have been derived, but they have all been taken from manuscripts of the fifteenth century.
Earthenware from Crete and Greece. Middle and Late Minoan.
CRETE AND GREECE. Middle and Late Minoan circa 2000—1200 B.C. Vessels from Cnossus, Mochlos, Korakou, Palaikastro, Melos.
Specimens of wheel-locks, gun-locks of 16th, 17th, and 18th century.
European Hand Firearms of the Sixteenth Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by Herbert J. Jackson.
Specimens of Turkish embroidery. The silk goods of Turkey.
Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt (1820-1877) – Specimens of Turkish Embroidery – from the Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century (1851-1853).
Persian Shah Abbas or Ispahan Carpet in Vase design of the 17th century.
Among the few entire carpets of its kind known to exist is this vase design from South Persia, known by the names “Shah Abbas” and “Ispahan.”
Notes on Fans. Wedding Fan presented to H.R.H. the Princess Mary.
Fan of pierced gold arabesque work, diamonds, rubies and emeralds, finely carved mother-of-pearl, richly inlaid with pure gold floral wreaths and Brussels lace.
Hindu Prayer-Carpet manufactured at Ahmedabad.
The Prayer-Carpet forming our present illustration, manufactured at Ahmedabad, was chosen for the Museum of Ornamental Art as one of the most faultless of these Indian productions.
Characteristically English carpet of the time of James I, dated 1614.
The carpet is a very fine example of the time of James I. The whole design is characteristically English of the period.