The various specimens of enamel by Auguste Racinet.
Tag: Crafts
Specimens of Chinese Art. Meanders and Scallops.
Ornamental designs. Specimens of Chinese Art.
Enamel dish by Pierre Courteys, 16th century. Enameller of Limoges.
Enamel dish. Allegory of Spring. Youths and maidens in antique costume dancing to the music of a viol, a lyre and a panpipe.
Dish by Bernard Palissy. Earthenware, after Briot. 16th century.
This dish is a repetition in pottery of a famous work in pewter by the goldsmith François Briot.
Chalice and paten of Saint Gozlin, Bishop of Toul, 10th century.
Treasury of the Cathedral at Nancy. This chalice and paten are of gold, enriched with precious stones and small cloisonné enamels
Cabinet for coins by Joubert in Louis-quinze style
Cabinet for coins, Cabinet des médaille by Gilles Joubert 1755 ordered by Louis XV. Louis-quinze style
Gothic Chair with a box-seat of the 15th century.
Example of a chair of the latter half of the fifteenth century, with decoration from the latest period of Gothic architecture
Frescoes and Arabesques of Raphael – Loggie of The Vatican.
Renaissance 16th Century. Frescoes and Arabesques of Raphael. Loggie of The Vatican. By Polychromatic ornament by Auguste Racinet.
Indian Art. Niellos and engraved metals. Ornamental decorations.
Niellos and engraved metals. Ornamental decorations on utilitarian objects.
Indian arts and crafts of the 19th century.
The Hagia Sophia of Thessaloniki, Greece. Byzantine Architecture.
The Church of St. Sophia Thessaloniki. The grand scene of the Ascension is one of the best specimens of Byzantine mosaic extant.