Plant drawings from an Indian Cotton Printer`s Pattern Book, 1910.
Tag: Indian customs
Traditional Indian dress, culture and customs of the various regions.
India, myth and legend. Tales from Mahabharata.
India. Epic Mahabharata. Indian myth and legend: with illustrations by Warwick Goble.
Hindoos. Successors of Vedic Aryans and other tribes of India.
Traditional clothing of Hindus. Brahmin, Konkanastha Caste. Rajpoot or Rajput. Pasce, Low Caste Hindu. Brahmin Pundit. Kamathi Woman. A Soodra of Tailanga.
Dame indienne en tenue traditionnelle du 19e siècle
Indian lady in traditional dress from the 19th century. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
A man from Kabul.
A man from Kabul. The accompanying picture represents a native of Kabul, and the dress is typical of that worn by most Afghans. Those who visit the larger Indian towns… Read More
The Marwari or Marwadi. Indian Rajasthan character.
The Marwadi are an Indian ethnic group that originate from the Rajasthan Jodhpur region of India
The Bengali. Indian Native.
The Bengali derives his name from the province in which he is born.
The Indian Postman, the Dak-Wallah.
The Indian Postman
A Mohammedan. Indian Characters.
Mohammedan dressed In the full costume worn by Muslims from the North-West Provinces.
Wasudev Beggar. India Jaggi Vasudev. Indian Sadhguru
Wasudev Beggar. India Jaggi Vasudev There are beggars and beggars, from the Hindu ascetic, who, after renouncing the lusts of the flesh, wanders from shrine to shrine, and meditates upon… Read More