SHINOBAZU-NO-IKE. This is a large lotus-lake situated just below the elevated ground now
occupied by the Uyeno Park
Tag: Japanese theme
Japanese culture, arts and crafts, customs, mythology, religion and everyday life published at the beginning of the 20th century and in the 19th century .
Japanese tea ceremony
The Japanese tea ceremony also known as the tea ritual, is close to Zen in its underlying philosophy.
Specimens of Japanese Art. Cloisonné Enamel Designs.
Ornamental Cloisonné Enamel Designs. Polychromatic ornament by Auguste Racinet.
Cloisonné Enamel. Specimens of Chinese and Japanese Art.
The various specimens of enamel by Auguste Racinet.
Embroidered Fukusa. Japan ornamental arts.
Embroidered Fukusa. Japan ornamental arts, by George Ashdown Audsley, 1882.
Japan. Ornamental arts. Rich Fabrics for obi or girdle. 19th c.
The fabrics here illustrated show two styles of artistic treatment.
Japan. The natives and the conquerors. Ainu and Japanese. Weapons.
Japan. The natives and the conquerors. Ainu and Japanese. Combat and fencing armor. – Various Weapons. Soldiers, Craftsmen, Coolis.
Japanese koto. Instrument for traditional Japanese music.
The koto was introduced from China to Japan during the Nara period (710-793) as an instrument of court music (Gagaku).
Japan shippō-yaki design. Cloisonné enamel.
Japan shippō-yaki design. Three segments of a circular border. Cloisonné enamel.
Kazuma Ogawa. Costumes & customs in Japan.
Costumes & customs in Japan by Kazuma Ogawa. Tokyo 1892
“No. I, Iidamachi, Shichome, Kojimachiku, Tokyo, Japan.”