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Tag: Romanticism fashion
Romanticism costumes and fashion. Romantic era from 1800 to 1850.
Broderies. Les modes du second empire. Costume féminin français.
L’histoire du costume féminin français. Les modes du second empire 1852 a 1870. Jabot de lingerie brodé, Châle broché vert Véronèse, Motif de dentelle de Chantilly noire.
German Biedermeier fashion 1825 to 1830.
Fashion of polite society. Great bourgeois clothing. Costumes by waitress in a traditional munich dirndl and middle-class family.
German fashion in the 18th century.
German fashion in the 18th century. Romanticism. Top row left to right: women’s fashion in 1793. Chur Saxon field postmaster. Princely Hessian postilion. Right: Costumes in 1788. Bottom row left to… Read More
French and German Fashion. Last third of the 18th Century.
German costume of Werther time. Incroyables and Merveilleuses
Paris full dresses in 1810. Miscellaneous Observations.
The fashions of London & Paris. (1798‐1806). London
Giovane ragazza napoletana. Costume italiano del XVIII secolo.
Young Neapolitan Girl. Italian 18th c. dress. Giovane ragazza napoletana. Costume italiano del XVIII secolo.
Flamande costume femme XVII Siecle. Flemish woman 17th c.
Flemish woman costume XVII Century. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Greek woman of the 19th century. Femme Grecque.
Femme Grecque. Modes et Costumes Historiques par Xavier Willemin.
Représentation romantique en costume d’une paysanne italienne.
Romantic costume depiction of an Italian peasant woman. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria