Pilgrimages and the sacred hills of Buddhism in China.
Tag: Travel
Historical travel literature of the 18th and 19th centuries. The discovery of the world
The Taj Mahal at Agra. Mausolem of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan.
The view taken of the Taj Mahal in the plate before us, is from the Jumna, which washes a wall of red granite, the boundary of the magnificent garden in which this splendid structure rises.
Port Bathy and Capital of Ithaca. The Neritos of Homer.
This is the port which is exhibited in the present view, and the lofty mountain beyond its entrance is the Neritos of Homer. Views in Greece by Edward Dodwell. London, 1821.
Landing in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Historical travelogue.
Historical travelogue by Emeric Essex Vidal and Rudolph Ackermann.
Gentleman Gipsy in wayside camp and caravan, 1891.
Leaves from the Log of a Gentleman Gipsy in wayside camp and caravan, 1891.
Host of a Black bar in the north of Brazil
Brazil: The country and its people in ethical, political and economic terms
Various opium pipes. Opium smocking in Shanghai 1899.
The native opium grown in China, is generally considered the most inferior, and the Indian opium, especially Malwa and Patna, the best.
Gwitchin. Peoples of Alaska in 1850th.
Arctic searching expedition: a journal of a boat-voyage through Rupert’s Land and the Arctic Sea
Seppuku, Hara Kiri. Ritualized type of male suicide. Japan Samurai.
The seppuku Hara Kiri (jap. 切腹) is a ritualized type of male suicide, which was spread around the middle of the twelfth century in Japan within the shift of the samurai and was officially banned in 1868.
Japanese Festivals and Holidays.
Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs’ were collected during the years 1864-5, by Jacob Mortimer.