THE entry into France by Dieppe is particularly striking, it resembles very much an old English town.
Tag: Travel
Historical travel literature of the 18th and 19th centuries. The discovery of the world
French pilot in large petticoats, boots, gay colored caps and earrings.
The packets from Brighton to Dieppe, when in sight of the harbour, are taken possession of by French pilots
A female of Vercelli with peculiar head-dress. Italy Piedmont 1821.
A female of Vercelli, Piedmontese. This one of the most peculiar head-dresses belonging to the lower orders in Italy.
Donna di Torino. Woman of Turin. Italian popular costume of 1821.
AT Turin the dress of the females is very remarkable. The elaborate and various forms of their caps are singular and picturesque.
Fishermen at Boulogne-sur-Mer. Département Pas-de-Calais.
The peasantry, the fishermen, the postillions, all classes below the bourgeoisie, are now, as they were formerly, dressed in heavy, cumbrous woolen cloth.
The costume of Portuguese ladies of rank.
The costume of Portuguese ladies of rank, which corresponds to English or French fashion, is complemented by a white handkerchief worn as a headdress and a coat resembling the capa.
A Gentleman in the ordinary Portuguese habit.
The capa or cloak, the remains of the Roman toga, is worn in Lisbon by every class of citizens
Aguas Livres aqueduct. Aqueduct of Alcântara.
Aqueduct of Alcântara. Lisbon is supplied with water, which is conveyed by means of this aqueduct, into reservoirs in different parts of the city.
Environs of Lisbon, and the Aqueduto das Águas Livres.
The Aqueduto das Águas Livres in Lisbon is a complex system of development, delivery and distribution of water to the city
The Franciscan order was marked by the severity of its discipline.
The Franciscan order, founded in the year 1209, was marked by the severity of its discipline