Africa, the landscape and the people.
Source: The dark continent; Africa, the landscape and the people by Hugo Adolf Bernatzik.
Published: Studio London 1931.
List of plates:
- Sara girl (Sara-Madjingaye).
- Ovambo women, Ondonga S.W. Africa.
- Nuer warrior with tribal mark on forehead.
- Musgu woman.
- Nuer, resting position South Sudan.
- Chief in ceromonial dress, Gold Coast, Ghana.
- Gate-keeper of a fetish courtyard, Gold Coast.
- Wife of a Mangbetu Chief, Belgian Congo 1925
- Swahili Woman, East Africa.
- Fanti woman. Ethnic group of the Akan, Ivory Coast.
- Kanembu Girl, Lake Tchad.
- Wodaabe Bororo woman, Banyo, French Cameroons, Mandated Territory.
- Gate-keeper of the Jeve League, Gold Coast.
- Ewe child, Adaklu District, Togo.
- Moru Dance South Sudan.
- Tatooing a Jarawa woman, Nigeria.
- Nuer Woman, South Sudan.
- Yetsang Girl (Southern Cameroons).
- Bodyguard of Sultan Sanda of Bornu, Dikwa Emirate Nigeria.
- Eastern Djur Ghana, Mother and Child.
- Musgu village.
- Kanuris playing dice, Dikwa Nigeria.
- Tournament in Dikwa, Borno State, Nigeria.
- Young Musgu shepherds, banks of the Logone.
- Cloud of weaver-birds on the Dinder.
- Resting Water-buck.
- Victoria Falls of the Zambezi.
- Uluguru Mountains, Tanganyika Tansania.
- Southern Rhodesian Landscape.
- Archaen rock cones in the Namib Desert.
- Baga fetish temple. West African ethnic group on the coast of Lower Guinea. Main groups of Baga are the Koba, Fore and Sitemu.
- Ikandu Falls near Newcastle.
- Granitic rocks on Lake Victoria.
- Flock of gannets (Sula capensis), S.W. African coast.
- Mundang houses, Léré, Mayo Kebi Chad.
- Brooding penquins, Dassen Island, Cape Colony.
- Native Church in Pandemai, Liberia.
- Fleeing ostriches, Tonga, White Nile.
- Captured and plucked ostriches belonging to Shua Arabs, Bornu.
- Mount Kenya.
- Volcanic formation (Mawenzi), Kilimanjaro.
- Oil-palms (Elaeis), Belgian Congo.
- Houses of the wives of the king of Bamum, Foumban, northeast Cameroon.
- Forest on Mt. Kilimanjaro.
- Falls of the Tana River near Fort Hall, Kenya.
- Clay fetish of the Ewe tribe, Gold Coast Ghana.