Alba, Liturgical, costume, middle ages,
Category: 13th Century
Middle ages costumes in 13th Century
Dalmatica 13th century. Liturgical garment. Halberstadt Cathedral Museum.
Dalmatic, a long robe with wide but short sleeves that was worn especially in the Middle Ages in Dalmatia instead of the Roman Tunica.
Albe 13th century. Baptismal garment. German Liturgical costume.
Traditionally worn by Catholic priests as liturgical undergarment under the chasuble.
Headdress Siena 13th century. Horned shaped hennin.
Woman from Siena, wearing a horned shaped hennin. Italy 13th century.
Italian noblewoman with heart shaped hennin. 13th century.
Italian noblewoman. Burgundy fashion era. Medieval 13th century clothing. Here hair is confined by a net called a crespine or crespinette. She wears a headwear, the white colored barbette with veil (Still seen on… Read More
The Carolingian, Capetian Fashion Period 987 to 1270.
Carolingian, Capetian period. Variety of costume. Women in the twelfth century. Emblazoned gowns. The bliaud. Pelisses. The cotte-hardie.
Middle Ages fashion history in Germany.
Middle Ages fashion history in Germany. Dress of the citizen, peasants and nobility.