England Regency costumes. Turban of Italian gauze. Lilac satin corset. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
Category: 1795
Costumes and Fashion in 1795
Coiffure de Merveilleuse. French Directoire.
Coiffure de Merveilleuse.
Ranelagh Evening Dresses, August 1795. The Gallery of Fashion.
Robe of fine muslin, petticoat of India long cloth; the bottom of the petticoat embroidered in colours. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
Vauxhall Evening Dresses. England Regency 1795.
Regency Vauxhall Evening Dresses. Round gown of India muslin. October 1795. Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2 Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff.
Jacket and petticoat of sprig muslin. Blue satin shoes. Swan down muff.
Jacket and petticoat of sprig muslin. Blue satin shoes. White gloves. Swan down muff. Heideloff`s Gallery of Fashion. Evening Dress. March 1795.
White satin petticoat trimmed with fur. Evening Dresses. January 1795.
Evening Dresses. January 1795. Gallery of Fashion Vol.1,. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
Paris during the french revolution 1793 to 1795.
The balls à la victim (The Victim’s Ball). Dances everywhere after the 9th Thermidor. New social order of things in Paris. Metamorphosis of French feminine character.
Robe of white muslin. Afternoon Dress. December 1795.
Afternoon Dress December 1795. Bandeau of white satin. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
The fashion of Regency. England 1795. Princess Augusta’s cap.
Princess Augusta’s cap, made of embroidered book-muslin. Morning dresses. December 1795. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
The fashion of Regency. England 1795. Russia robe of white muslin.
Chiffonet of light blue satin. Russia robe of white muslin. Evening dress. November 1795. The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.