Gyan Bapi Temple. Le Gayan Bapi. Auteur du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages
Category: Asia
Costume and fashion history of Asia. Manners and Customs. Collected from rare sources.
Decapitation. Capital punishment at Tongking, 1895.
Capital punishment at Tongking North Vietnam 1895. Decapitation. Exécution capitale.
Convict going to execution. Tonkin Vietnam 1895
Condamné marchant au supplice. Convict going to execution. Tonkin, North Vietnam 1895.
Leader Kinh Luoc Viceroy of Tonkin, Vietnam 1895.
Leader Kinh Luoc Viceroy of Tonkin, Vietnam 1895.
Chief of the local administration in front of the Palace of Kinh Luoc, Hanoi. French colonial History.
Water carrier from Tonkin, Vietnam. Porteuse d’eau. 1895.
Porteuse d’eau. Water carrier from Tonkin, North Vietnam 1895.
Native of Vinh Long, Mekong Delta, Vietnam 1895.
Native of Vinh Long, Mekong Delta, Vietnam 1895. Indigene de Vinh-Long.
Armenian lady of Constantinople.
Ottoman Empire. Costume of Armenian lady of Constantinople 1850. Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes, by Franz Lipperheide.
Corpse incineration. La Crémation dans l’Inde. Sri Lanka 1895.
A Hindu priest, brahmane takes the traditional burial rite. La Crémation dans l’Inde.
Tonkin Woman smoking Opium. North Vietnam 1895.
Tonkin Woman smoking Opium. North Vietnam 1895. Femme fumant de l’opium.
Portrait of Siniapu. Sinhalese boy from Matura, Sri Lanka.
Portrait of Siniapu. Sinhalese boy from Matura, southern coast of Sri Lanka in 1867. By Baron Eugène de Ransonnet.