Torquay is a town on the south coast of England, with exceptional beauty and climate.
Category: England
Period Costumes and Fashion from England, Regency, Empire, Georgian, Directory, Victorian and Tudor dresses.
Canterbury Cathedral. The ecclesiastical metropolis of England.
The ancient city of Canterbury is chiefly remarkable for its churches, especially for its magnificent Cathedral, which is eight centuries old.
The life of Jack Rattenbury, nicknamed Rob Roy of the West.
Jack Rattenbury. The smugglers; picturesque chapters in the story of an ancient craft by Charles George Harper.
The Owlers of Romney Marsh, and the ancient export smuggling of wool.
The Owlers sold wool out of England and secretly shipped it at night from the shores of Kent and Sussex.
Queen Mary’s harp or Lude Harp of the 15th century.
THIS venerable instrument, the least impaired Gaelic Harp existing, is known as Queen Mary’s Harp or Lude Harp and date back to the 15th century.
Transitional Female costume. Elizabethan fashion 1550 to 1620.
Transitional Female costume between the Elizabethan and Charles I modes. Elizabethan fashion 1550 to 1620.
The Lamont Harp or Clàrsach Lumanach.
Highland Harp known as the the Lamont Harp or Clàrsach Lumanach.
An Elizabethan man’s outfit. Woman wearing a Spanish farthingale.
The man and woman shown here are wearing typical ensembles of the Elizabethan era. The man is somewhat of a dandy. The woman is wearing a Spanish farthingale.
Burgamote Horns of the Corporations of Canterbury and Dover.
BEAUTIFUL horns of hammered and embossed bronze belonging to the Corporations of Canterbury and Dover.
Feminine Elizabethan ensemble of the 16th c. England Tudor era.
The woman shown here might very well be the Queen herself.