Hunters at the south peak of Pau. Costumes Pyrenees. Chasseurs d’Izards, au pic du midi de Pau. Costumes des Pyrénnées.
Category: France
Young Actress in the “Jealous of Estramadure” 1779
Comedy performed by the Troupe du Sieur l’Éclus
Goatherd at the hot waters meadows. Costumes Pyrenees 1834.
Goatherd at the hot waters meadows. Costumes Pyrenees. Chevrier prés les eaux chaudes. Costumes des Pyrénnées 1834.
Habit en surtout à brandebourg, 1780.
Clothes made especially in Brandenburg, Prussia 1780.
Clothing and equipment of a colour merchant in Paris
Clothing and equipment of a paint merchant in Paris around 1850, offering non-abrasive colours.
English style clothing. Court costume. Summer suit and Swiss hat.
Paris fashion c. 1760. English style clothing. Court costume. Summer suit and Swiss hat.
Fashion under the French Revolution 1789 to 1802.
Great Days of the Revolution. Fashion under the French Revolution & Directoire Period 1789 to 1802.
Paris saleswoman of cream. Marchande de crème 1774.
Marchande de crème 1774. D’après Poisson. Paris à travers les siècles. Histoire nationale de Paris et des Parisiens par Genouillac.
Clothing of a Parisian ribbon merchant in 1774.
Parisian ribbon merchant. Paris through the centuries. National history of Paris and Parisians
Costumes Aladin by Germaine Lecomte 1929.
Costumes Aladin by Germaine Lecomte 1929.