Category: Fashion History

Fashion in the Reign of Louis XVI. 1780 to 1789. Modes de Paris.

coeffure, Caravanne, Costume, Opera, Rococo, France, fashion,

Fashion in the Reign of Louis XVI. Modes de Paris. Caps – Bonnets – Ruches – Low bodices – Coats, cravats, and waistcoats, Sailor jackets and” pierrots”.

Reign of Louis XVI. 1774 to 1780. The influence of Marie Antoinette.

Hoop, skirts, French, Rococo, costumes,

The influence of Marie Antoinette on fashion. Various styles of head-dresses. Rose Bertin the world’s first acclaimed couturier. Male and female hairdressers. The toilet of the queen of France. The opera.

Reigns of John II and of Charles V. 1350 to 1380. Middle Ages.

Middle ages, medieval, costumes, fashion, France, history

Reigns of John II and of Charles V. 1350 to 1380. The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries – Low dresses – Garnaches and garde-corps. Precious stones. Splendid furniture.