THE Palace of the Luxembourg is situated in the Faubourg St. Germain, Rue de Vaugirard.
Category: Fashion History
The Venetian gondola and gondolier in the 15th century.
Costumes historiques des XIIIe, XIVe et XVe siècles. Gondole Vénitienne. The Venetian gondola and gondolier in the 15th century.
Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie, Duchess of Bavaria (also called Sisi).
Empress Elisabeth of Austria wearing a courtly gala dress designed by Charles Frederick Worth, 1865, with Diamond Stars by Franz Xaver Winterhalter, 1865.
Madame X. Scandal of a portrait. Paris of the Belle Époque in 1884.
The portrait of Virginie Amélie Avegno Gautreau.
Madame X. or the exciting life in the Paris of the Belle Époque.
Another old custom gone. Jean Patou. Jeanne Hallée. Molyneux.
Another old custom gone. Art-Goût-Beauté. October 1923. Fashion by Jean Patou, Jeanne Hallée, Molyneux.
Wall Papers, designed by Walter Crane, 1918.
Fig and Peacock. Golden Age. Wood Notes.
Italian embroidered silk hangings. The treasury of ornamental art. 16th c.
THIS engraving shows the upper and lower portions of a vertical panel, supposed to have originally formed a pilaster or border to a piece of tapestry.
Princesse dress. Promenade gown by Maison de couture Félix.
When Mme. Sarah Bernhardt first came to America, all her scenic costumes were designed by Maison de couture Félix.
La Jeune Locrienne. Chapeau de Camille Roger, 1922.
Straw hat with horsehair ribbons. Locrian, resident of Locride (ancient Greece).
A few pretty novelties. Creations by Premet & Jean Patou. 1923.
A few pretty novelties. Premet has made a black velvet dress with an edging of paste diamond lace. Philippe et Gaston put large diamond squares on white Georgine crepe.