Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) Sarah Bernhardt (actually Marie Henriette Rosine Bernardt) was a French actress. She is considered the most famous actress of her time and was one of the first… Read More
Category: Fashion History
An elegant English lady in 15th century fashion.
This costume belongs to the close of the fifteenth century, and is one of the most elegant of this epoch.
A German Falconer in the time of Frederic II, Emperor of Germany
A German Falconer in the time ofFrederic II, Emperor of Germany
Painted glass. Gilbert de Clare, 5th Earl of Gloucester
Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester of the name, was one of the principal barons who took up arms against King John. The royal line of the Plantagenets.
English kings Henry I and King John. 12th century costumes.
English kings Henry I and King John. IN one of the Cottonian manuscripts (Julius, E. IV.), a brief metrical chronicle of the kings of England, which has been attributed to… Read More
A German noble costume in the 15th century.
The court society of the castle gathers for a ride.
Miniature of the Breviary of Cardinal Grimani, attributed to Marciana Biblioteca of S.Marc, Venice. Fifteenth century.
Proclamation of a tournament in the ages of chivalry.
The Society of La Calza. Association of young Venetian noblemen, 14th c.
The Society of La Calza was an association of young Venetian noblemen and a few strangers of high rank.
Musicians of the time of Edward III. England 14th century.
The plate which we give represents a group of simple musicians of the time of Edward III, and the singularity of their costume proves that a taste for the grotesque in dress had already made sensible progress at this period.