Various Rococo headdresses and hairstyles; from the books of the time.
Category: Headdresses
Costume and Fashion History. Fashion plates of hats and headdresses from ancient to modern times.
German Belle Époque hairstyles in 1906.
Art nouveau Hairstyles. Berlin May 1906. German General hairdresser newspaper.
A female of Vercelli with peculiar head-dress. Italy Piedmont 1821.
A female of Vercelli, Piedmontese. This one of the most peculiar head-dresses belonging to the lower orders in Italy.
Chapeaux el de Georgette Suzanne Talbot 1916.
CHAPEAUX. Models de GEORGETTE el de Suzanne Talbot. LE STYLE PARISIEN, 1916.
Chapeaux. Les modes du Moyen Age. Costume féminin français.
L’histoire du costume féminin français. Les modes du Moyen Age, de l’an 1037 à l’an 1461. Chapeaux. Escoffion, Chapeau breton, Collier, Hénin, Banniere des Chapeliers, Chapeau d’élégante.
New Kingdom, clothing in ancient Egypt.
New Kingdom, clothing in ancient Egypt. Man with a long skirt and Sandal. 19th Dynasty New Kingdom. Wig with headband and uraeus snake. Was worn by the king at different… Read More
Costumes of East Europe in ancient times.
Carl Rohrbach, Albert Kretschmer. Costumes of Sarmatian, Dacian, Soythian.
Ancient Greece goddess Demeter in clasp-fastened chiton
Ancient Greece goddess Demeter (Ceres) with clasp-fastened chiton
Greek woman in Ampechonion and sleeveless chiton
Figure with ampechonion or outer garment, and sleeveless chiton buttoned to give the appearance of sleeves. Read more: Ancient Minoan Civilization. The Palace of Minos at Knossos. The Ancient Greek… Read More
The Lady of Tournament delivering the Price.
Our engraving representing this ceremony, forms the last of the series of drawings by King Rene.