French Swiss regiment. Grenadiers in combat (1812).
Category: Military
Polish folk costumes from the 16th century
Polish folk costumes from the 16th century
Medieval Battle scene at Sempach Switzerland.
Arnold Winkelried in the Medieval Battle scene at Sempach Switzerland at July 9, 1386. Arnold Winkelried or Arnold from Winkelried († allegedly July 9, 1386 in Sempach) is a mythical figure, which… Read More
Chariot relating to a prince. Tell el-Amarna – 18th dynasty.
Chariot relating to a prince. Tell el-Amarna – 18th dynasty, called the Amarna period of ancient egypt.
Gladiators in the Colosseum at ancient Rom.
Gladiators in the Colosseum at ancient Rom. “Pollice Verso”. Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme.
Costumes from French Imperial.
Costumes from French Imperial 1850s. Gallery: Les nations. Album des Costumes De Tous les Pays. Par Alexandre Lacauchie. Paris. Maison Martinet. Haute Cœur frères 41, Rue Vivienne et 146, Rue de… Read More
The Royal Flag of France. The Galley Flag.
The Royal Flag of France. The Galley Flag. The Flag of the Merchant Navy. The royal flag was, in reality, the national flag in the 18th century. Each regiment had… Read More
Group of Samurais. Groupe de Samourais. Japan 1895.
Group of Samurais. Groupe de Samourais. Japan 1895. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages
A Tatar Tiger Guard of the Chinese Emperor. Tatar troops at Beijing.
The Tatar soldiers form the garrison of towns; and they are, in an especial manner the guards of the emperor. In each town they are under a general, who is independent of the officer who commands outside the walls.
India Hindu soldier costume 19th century.
India Hindu soldier costume 19th century. Soldat Hindou.