Knight bannert praying before his departure for the 2nd crusade.
Category: Genre
Flags of the Royal Highlanders. The Black Watch.
Flags of the Royal Highlanders. The Black Watch. Colours of the 42nd Royal Highlanders (The Black Watch). Now 1st Battalion The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). Carried in the Crimea and… Read More
Egyptian Campaign. Flag Colours of the 72nd Highlanders.
Egyptian Campaign. 1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders Colours of the 72nd (Duke Of Albany’s Own) Highlanders. Now the 1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, Duke of Albany´s). Carried in the Egyptian… Read More
King Henry VII. The Tudor from the House of Lancaster.
During the Wars of the Roses, Henry was the last survivor of the House of Lancaster and became its head. Through his marriage to the heiress of the House of York Elizabeth Plantagenet, England hoped for an end to the civil war between the two houses and a lasting peace.
Clarissa Harlowe by Samuel Richardson 1748.
Clarissa Harlowe ARRESTED on a charge of debt, Clarissa has been taken to the sponging-house. There Lovelace visits her. After describing the forlorn room she occupies, he says :
Rob Roy parting Rashleigh and Francis Osbaldistone. Sir Walter Scott.
Rob Roy is the sixth of Walter Scott’s Waverley novels. He wrote the book in the spring of 1817 and visited Loch Lomond and Glasgow Cathedral for research.
Rhodope, the Egyptian Princess by Georg Ebers.
Rhodope, the Egyptian Princess. SO she raised her hands to the great and glorious sun, who with his golden, sword-like rays was just dispersing the mists that hung over the… Read More
Rhinegold. Alberich’s Pursuit of the Nibelungen Ring.
RHEINGOLD (The Rhinegold) is the prelude to the music-drama of the “Ring of the Nibelung.” The first scene of the opera shows the depths of the river Rhine.
Kriemhild at Siegfried’s Bier. The Nibelungenlied. Medieval epic.
KRIEMHILD, daughter of Dancrat and sister of Gunther, King of Burgundy.
She first married Siegfried, King of the Netherlanders, who was murdered by Hagan.
Al-Andalus. The Conquest of Granada. Boabdil el Chico’s Farewell.
Conquest of Granada. Boabdil el Chico’s Farewell by Washington Irving.