Woman from Arles, Provence.
Category: Genre
Oxcart of the Portuguese Province of Extremadura
The Portuguese Oxcart of Estremadura has the appearance of a primitive invention.
Landing of the English troops in the Bay of Maceira.
THE fleet with the troops came to an anchor in the open sea, off this Creek, on the 25th of August, 1808.
Costumes of East Europe in ancient times.
Carl Rohrbach, Albert Kretschmer. Costumes of Sarmatian, Dacian, Soythian.
The Purse of Rob Roy, Toadstone Amulet. Purse of Rob Roy.
Toadstone Amulet protecting new-born children and their mothers from the power of the fairies. Purse of Rob Roy, Helen Macgregor`s Brooch. Abbotsford, the personal relics and antiquarian treasures of Sir Walter Scott.
Woman folk dress from Saint Jean d’Arves, Savoy France.
Traditional woman folk dress from Saint Jean d’Arves, Savoy France. Costumes Nationaux by Lepage Medvey, Editions Hyperion, 1939. Gallery: Traditional French national costumes
Ancient Greece goddess Demeter in clasp-fastened chiton
Ancient Greece goddess Demeter (Ceres) with clasp-fastened chiton
Greek woman in Ampechonion and sleeveless chiton
Figure with ampechonion or outer garment, and sleeveless chiton buttoned to give the appearance of sleeves. Read more: Ancient Minoan Civilization. The Palace of Minos at Knossos. The Ancient Greek… Read More
Greek Priestess of Demeter with long-sided diploidion
Priestess of Demeter (Ceres) with long-sided diploidion or ampechonion.
Abbotsford hall door. A complete suit of feudal steel armour.
Hall door looking towards study and showing corner of desk.