Carolingian, Capetian period. Variety of costume. Women in the twelfth century. Emblazoned gowns. The bliaud. Pelisses. The cotte-hardie.
Category: Genre
Carolingian Costumes. Frankish King, Military Leader, Knight.
The Carolingian fashion of the nobility is still strongly influenced by the Roman fashion, mixed with Germanic and Byzantine styles.
A Page of the Turkish Sultan. Head of the Dragomans of the Sublime Gate.
THE Pages of the Sultan, who hold a much more important office than is to be inferred from what we mean by the same name, at least they often arrive at the most important dignities, are appointed in a very peculiar manner.
The Mufti of Istanbul or Chief of the Religion. Ottoman Empire
The Mufti of Istanbul or Chief of the Religion. Ottoman Empire.
Subaltern Officer of the Janissary. Ottoman Empire Costume.
Subaltern officer of the Janissary corps. Ottoman Empire.
The different orders of Dervishes. The number of these societies.
The different orders of Dervishes (Sufi) originated in the two sects of Ebu Bekir and of Ali. Their followers took the name of Dervishes, a Persian word, which means the sill or threshold of a door.
A young turkish prince, heir to the throne.
This plate is a portrait of one of them, who will succeed to the throne.
Ottoman Empire. Two Janissaries in their dress of ceremony.
Each Janissary has a certain indelible symbol marked in the flesh of the arm by means of gunpowder, to shew the Odah, or regiment, to which he belongs.
Topchis soldier of the Ottoman Empire infantry.
Besides the regular and constant soldiers, comprehended under the classes of Janissaries and Spahis, there are several others.
Sword Bearer to the Ottoman Sultans. Selictár Agá.
Life guard cavalryman, weapon bearer, stirrup holder, Sultan’s sword bearer.