The Shi chi fuku Jin (七福神 shichifukujin) or seven Patrons of Happiness.
Category: Genre
The Japanese Sword and Its Decoration
The sword of Japan may be called a key to the study of the history, folklore, and customs of the country.
Anglo-Saxon King his armour-Bearer equipped for battle.
Anglo-Saxon King his armour-Bearer equipped for battle. Anno 750
Landscape gardening in Japan.
LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Flowers and Gardens of Japan by Florence Du Cane
Episcopal costume. The Mitra Pretiosa of the 14th c.
Episcopal costume and insignia. The mitre, the cross, the superhumeral, the ring, the gloves, the shoes.
Aveline de Forz, Countess of Aumale. Reign of Henry III.
Aveline de Forz, Countess of Albemarle and Lady of Holderness was married to Edmund Crouchback, 1st Earl of Lancaster, the second son of Henry III of England
Renata of the House of Lorraine, 16th c.
This is Renée de Lorraine, daughter of the Duke of Lorraine François I” and Christine of Danemarck.
France. Peasants. Gendarme on horseback c.1680.
Last third of the XVIIth century. Reign of King Louis XIV (1643-1715).
Marguerite de Valois-Angoulême, duchesse de Berry
Marguerite de France was the fourth daughter of King Francis I of France and Claude, Duchess of Brittany
Odet de Coligny, Cardinal de Châtillon.
French Huguenot leader, Catholic prelate of the Renaissance