King Charles II escaped, and now entered upon a scene of adventures the most romantic that can be imagined.
Category: Genre
Elizabethan. Explorer of noble rank. Woman of the upper classes.
Tudor period. English Renaissance. Explorer of noble rank. Woman of the upper classes. Elizabethan fashion history.
Armaments of war from 1350 to about 1460. France. Middle ages.
War armour from 1350 to about 1460, in the period of the Hundred Years War. The development of the Bascinet helmet of the knight’s armour in the Middle Ages
Company of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul.
Nuns of St. Vincent of Paul. Confraternities of Charity. Mademoiselle le Gras. Foundation in Paris. Spread the Foundation. French Revolution. Restoration.
Uniforms of the French Guards since their creation. Costumes of Soldiers.
The French guards since their creation. Soldiers in the 17th and 18th century. Uniforms of Pikiner, Flag bearer, Tambour, Musketeer, Officer.
The Tomb of Joseph at Shechem, on the outskirts of Nablus (West Bank).
The Tomb of Joseph is the cenotaph of a biblical memorial site, considered to be the burial place of the Jewish patriarch Joseph.
Tiberias, from the walls. The City of Safed in the distance. Israel.
This Sketch, in addition to the view of the City, gives, in the distance, crowning a lofty hill, the City of Safed.
Indian Grand Mogul Babur leading a campaign. Military Costumes of India.
Babur setting out with his army. Indian Grand Mogul, leading a campaign. War costumes of the 16th century.
Ruins of Capernaum, Galilee, Palestine. Ancient city in Israel.
Capernaum (Kefar Nahum) is an ancient city in Galilee, located on the northwestern shores of Lake Tiberias, in Israel.
Town of Tiberias, looking towards Lebanon, Israel.
The town of Tiberias viewed from the Roman ruins at the hot springs south of the city.