Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world, based on authentic documents and the most recent trips by Auguste Wahlen
Category: Palestine
Palestine is usually refers to parts of the territories of the present-day states of Israel and Jordan, including the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
A Syrian girl in traditional dress at a Fountain.
A Syrian girl at a “Fountain”. Living Races of Mankind.
Turbans and other headdresses of Egyptian men.
Full Peoples Gallery in images of all nations by Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsche, 1840.
Arab caravan in the Sahara desert in a Simoom storm.
Simoom, Arabic: سموم samūm, is the local term for a sand storm in the North African-Arab region.
Back of hunting. Necropolis of Thebes.
Painting: Return from the hunt (Thebes Necropolis – 17th dynasty)
Native of Punt (Thebes: El-Assacif – 17th dynasty.).
Painting: Native of the country of Punt (Thebes: El-Assacif – XVII. dynasty).
Pharaoh Seti I. Necropolis of Thebes.
Reduction of a sketch representing Seti I. (Thebes Necropolis – XIX. dynasty)
Ramses III (Necropolis of Thebes – 20th Dynasty.)
Length portrait of Ramses III (Necropolis of Thebes – 20th Dynasty.)
Ancient Egypt goddess Anouke & Pharaoh Ramses II
Sculpture: La déesse Anouké & Ramsès II (Talmis – XIXe. dynastie) (1878).
The Islamic prayer. Ar-Rifa’ min Ar-Ruku’, or Inclination.
Rukūʿ, Arabic ركوع, bowing with the upper body’, is a posture prescribed by ritual law during prayer in Islam. A bow is called: rakʿa(do)