Habit of the Sultaness Queen in 1749. La Sultane Reine. Consort of the Ottoman sultan. THE SULTANESS QUEEN, from VIEN’S CARAVANE *. The Habit of the Women, like that of… Read More
China 1897. The dying coolie by Isabella Bird Bishop.
Gwitchin. Peoples of Alaska in 1850th.
Arctic searching expedition: a journal of a boat-voyage through Rupert’s Land and the Arctic Sea
Kazuma Ogawa. Costumes & customs in Japan.
Costumes & customs in Japan by Kazuma Ogawa. Tokyo 1892
“No. I, Iidamachi, Shichome, Kojimachiku, Tokyo, Japan.”
Costume of Gambia. Voyage to Africa 1823.
Costume of Gambia.
Latvia. Lettish people from Lyutsinsky district in 1866.
Latvia. Lettish people from Lyutsinsky district of Vitebsk Provinces.
Dorsetshire Yeomanry Cavalry, Queen’s Own
The Queen’s Own Regiment of Dorset Yeomanry Cavalry
The Border Regiment. British Army 1893.
The Border Regiment (34th & 55th Foot)
The four Grand Duchesses of the House of Romanov.
The four Grand Duchesses, photographed about 1914. From left to right: Maria, Tatjana, Anastasia, Olga. In 1918, at the time of their assassination, Olga was twenty-two years old, Tatiana just… Read More
Accessoires of the 15th century
Head-dress, Clasp for a Cloak, Rosary and Alms-box, from a painting by Van Eyck