Antonio Tebaldeo (1463–1537) was born in Ferrara, where he was an educator of Isabella d’Este and then secretary of Lucretia Borgia later. Successor of Francesco Petrarch.
Albanian folk characters in the 18th century.
Albanian folk characters in the 18th century. The Souliotes or Suliots; Albanian Suliotët were a warlike community, which inhabited the mountains around Souli in southern vilayets of Ioannina, the ancient Epirus.… Read More
Man costume of the Italian region Lazio in 1840. Costumes of Rome.
Eminente costume da uomo romano. Regione Lazio, Italia nel 1840.
The Dance of the Dervishes in the Tower of the Winds.
This tower has been converted into a Semà-Khanés or chapel for the religious dance called Semà, which is performed every Friday within its walls by an order of dancing dervishes.
United States Army and Navy uniforms in 1889.
United States Army and Navy uniforms in 1889.
Traditional costume from Marino, region Lazio, Italy.
Costumes of Rome and its surroundings. Woman from Marino, region Lazio.
Isabella d’Este. La donna del mondo prima.
Isabella d’Este known as The First Lady of the Renaissance with a balzo, the famous Capigliari headdress.
Guard of the king. The Corps of the 200 Gentlemen. France 1570.
Garde du Roi, Corps des 200 Gentilshommes. Guard of the king. The Corps of the 200 Gentlemen. France Military 1570.
Page of a man of arms, knight in the 15th century.
Page of a man of arms, knight in the 15th century. PAGE d’un Homme d’Armes, XV° siècle.
Timbalier, Horse drummer. (XVIIth century). Reign of Louis XIV.
Timbalier, Tambour à Cheval. (XVIIe siècle). Règne de Louis XIV. Gravure extraite de l’ouvrage de H. Gourdon de Genouillac.