Bonnette du Matin 1787. Morning headdress.
Chapeau à la tartare 1787. Headdress Rococo era.
Chapeau à la tartare 1787.
Thorpe’s “Northern Mythology.’ Loki and Sigyn.
Loki and Sigyn. Northern Mythology. WHEN the gods had captured Loki they bound him to the rock, and Skadi hung a venomous serpent above his head that dripped poison on… Read More
Augusta in Court from the novel Mr. Meeson’s Will.
Augusta in Court AUGUSTA Smithers, upon whose back has been tattooed Mr. Meeson ‘s will, is obliged to display it in court.
Balaustion by Robert Browning.
Balaustion Balaustion’s adventure by Robert Browning. F. H. Lungren, Artist.
Tudor fashion from 1550 to 1580. England 16th c.
Pictures and short extracts from The National and Domestic History of England
Charles I King of England, Scotland and Ireland from the House of Stuart.
King Charles, 1600-1649, was from 1625 to 1649 King of England, Scotland and Ireland from the House of Stuart.
A dinner party of Margaret of Austria.
Court etiquette during the Renaissance. Concert given to Marguerite of Austria during her meal.
England medieval clothing 1200 to 1300.
England medieval clothing 1200 to 1300. From left: Physician, Gentleman, Bishop, King, Queen, Costume of a Lady, Nobleman, Rustic. From the book: Pictures and short extracts from The National and Domestic… Read More
Noble lady under Charles VI. Dame noble, sous Charles VI. 1380.
Dame noble, sous Charles VI. 1380. Costumes civils et militaires des Français à travers les siècles.