Knights of Malta. Teutonic Knights. Nuns of the Order of St. John.

Crusaders, Outremer, middle ages, costumes,

Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights and sword brother (Order of Brothers of the German House Saint Mary in Jerusalem, Ordo Teutonicus). Knights of Templar. Nuns of the Order of St. John. Knights of St John, or Knights of Malta.

Costumes of the 11th century. Monastic, Normans, Crusaders.

middle ages, costumes, medieval, fashion, Monastic, Normanns, Crusaders, Nobility

Costumes of the 11th century. Monastic, Normans, Crusaders Nobility costumes. Costumes during the middle ages 1000 A.C., Byzantine, Romanesque, Pregothic, Gothic era. Upper half of the picture: Monk, western bishop in full… Read More