Tambourine player in the jilbab. Veiled water wearer in a chador. Servant with a turban, tarboosh, vests, harem pants belted with a wide cloth that Sal Sapik, (SAL û Sapik “pants and shirt”).
Bedouin musician. Nubian slave. Egyptian traditional street clothes.
A young Bedouin with Kufiyya, Jilbab and jacket. Nubian slave girl wearing a caftan over a light of woolen dress. Egyptian woman in street clothing.
Headdress Siena 13th century. Horned shaped hennin.
Woman from Siena, wearing a horned shaped hennin. Italy 13th century.
Art Nouveau costume, reform dress, 1900
Art Nouveau fashion 1900, Reform dress. Depiction of a woman in a so-called reform dress. These clothes were to prevail and remained an episode of the early 20th century fashion… Read More
Model of Crepe Chinois by Georgette Gabey, 1913.
Model of Crepe Chinois by couturier Georgette Gabey. Cafe au Lait Crepe Chinois. Gracefully draped skirt with tassel to match heavily embroidered waist on chiffon with white embroidered undersleeves and collar.… Read More
Premet Model of Crepe Chinois. Paris spring season 1913.
Premet Model of Crepe Chinois, 1913.
Model of Black Worth Satin. Paris Spring Season 1913.
Model of Black Worth Satin. Paris Spring Season 1913. Model Black Worth Satin. Draped skirt caught up with a fancy silver lace. Myrtle green chiffon trims waist over white silk and points… Read More
Cabinet des Modes. Femme en fourreau vert à la Levite.
Cabinet des Modes. Paris November 1785. Costume “Femme en fourreau vert à la Levite”
Assyrian High Priest and King clothing
The history of costumes. Mesopotamia. Assyrian, Babylonian costume history.
Agricultural people from ancient Greece.
Agricultural people from ancient Greece. Arcadian scene. Read more: Ancient Minoan Civilization. The Palace of Minos at Knossos. The Ancient Greek Costume by THOMAS HOPE. Gallery: “On the history of costumes”. Münchener… Read More