Illustrations of ancient Mexican feather head-dresses and of the mode of wearing them taken from native Manuscripts.
Louis XIV and the officers in the livery of the royal house.
The fragments shown here are borrowed from a painting by Van der Maulen depicting the entry of Louis XIV and Maria Theresa into Arras after the beginning of the campaign in 1667. The Queen’s Marstall. The grand stable master. Ladies of honour. The Gardes du Corps. The king’s chariot.
French bourgeois clothing from 1485-1510. Men’s and women’s hairstyle.
France. Civilian clothing 1485-1510. Men’s and women’s hairstyle. Between 1470 and 1475 the high pointed hoods (Hennin) disappear.
Italy. Female costumes of the early Renaissance. The balzo.
Italy. The fashion at the beginning of the XVI century. Female costumes. According to local traditions and social status. The balzo. Early Renaissance.
Types of urban house in Tuscany. Architecture in Italy. 14th & 15th century.
Architecture in Italy of the 14th and 15th century. Types of urban house in Tuscany. The portico. The staircase. The loggia. The pilasters. Early Renaissance.
Egypt. War dresses. Headgear and various costumes.
The representations on this panel are taken from Upper Egyptian wall paintings. War dresses. Headgear and various costumes. The pharaoh in the fight. The war chariot. Vultures and sparrowhawks were the symbol of supreme power.
The Ahuula, a Hawaiian feather cloak. The Steen Bille Cape.
The ʻahuʻula is a feather coat reserved for the elite of the Hawaiian archipelago. It was traditionally worn with the mahiole, a feathered cap.
Costumes of Venice. The Venetian gondoliers. Dwarves and jesters.
Costumes of Venice. The Venetian gondoliers. Nicolotti and Castellani. Dwarves and jesters, pages and messengers of love. Italian Medieval and Renaissance fashion history.
How Greek women dressed. The female dress of the classical period.
The Greek female dress of the classical period. The Greek dress is indeed one of the typical products of the Hellenic genius. It exemplifies better than almost anything else the capacity of this gifted people for producing the most beautiful effects by the simplest means.
The Illuminati and their era. Imitations of Illuminism. Freemasonry.
The Illuminati and the Freemasons. Freemasonry and the French Revolution. The Order of Perfectibilists.