Egyptian Art. Decorative Paintings.The Scarabaeus. The flowing ornaments from Thebes. Red, blue, and yellow were the principal colors employed.
Tag: Ancient Egyptian customs
Ancient Egyptian dress, culture and customs in the Middle East.
Alethe, Priestess of Isis. The Epicurean, by Thomas Moore.
When Alethe arrived at a suitable age, she was taught, like other children of the priestesses, to take a share in the service and ceremonies of the shrines.
Rhodope, the Egyptian Princess by Georg Ebers.
Rhodope, the Egyptian Princess. SO she raised her hands to the great and glorious sun, who with his golden, sword-like rays was just dispersing the mists that hung over the… Read More
Chariot relating to a prince. Tell el-Amarna – 18th dynasty.
Chariot relating to a prince. Tell el-Amarna – 18th dynasty, called the Amarna period of ancient egypt.
Back of hunting. Necropolis of Thebes.
Painting: Return from the hunt (Thebes Necropolis – 17th dynasty)
Ancient Egypt boat hunter from Beni Hasan
Return of the boat hunter (Beni Hasan – 12th Dynasty.)
Native of Punt (Thebes: El-Assacif – 17th dynasty.).
Painting: Native of the country of Punt (Thebes: El-Assacif – XVII. dynasty).
Ancient Egypt hairstyles from various periods.
History of Egyptian Art. Types & portraits.
Ancient Egypt headdresses of ladies of various epochs.
Ancient Egypt headdresses of ladies of different epochs. Sculpture: Types & portraits (ladies of various ages). Sculpture: Types & portraits (dames de diverses époques). From the book: Histoire de l’art… Read More
Pharaoh Merenptah, Mienptah-Hotéphima.
Ancient Egypt costume of Pharaoh Merenptah, Mienptah-Hotéphima.