European Hand Firearms of the Sixteenth Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by Herbert J. Jackson.
Tag: Decoration
Persian Shah Abbas or Ispahan Carpet in Vase design of the 17th century.
Among the few entire carpets of its kind known to exist is this vase design from South Persia, known by the names “Shah Abbas” and “Ispahan.”
Characteristically English carpet of the time of James I, dated 1614.
The carpet is a very fine example of the time of James I. The whole design is characteristically English of the period.
Russian Enamel, Majolica, Paintings on Walls and Ceilings.
In Russia we find enamel ornaments on gold, silver and copper still as widely distributed
The floor of a mosque. Silk carpet made of antique Tabriz weave, Iran.
This interesting and valuable rug is of antique Tabriz weave, of finely blended colors and rare design.
A Mirror Case of the 14th century. The Assault of the Castle of Love.
A mediaeval mirror case. The subject is a favorite one with mediaeval artists, and is known as “The Assault of the Castle of Love.”
Ebony cabinet in the style of Louis Seize. Victorian period.
Ebony cabinet in the style of Louis Seize. Prize medal for great excellence of design and workmanship in decorative furniture 1862.
A Royal Persian rug of the 15th century. Gift of the Persian Emperor.
Royal Persian. 15th century. THIS is probably as near perfection as the woolen carpet of the East has ever come.
The Vatican. St Damaso with the loggias of Bramante and Raphael.
The beautiful Loggias, or open corridors, rise in three stories one above the other, each exhibiting towards the East, towards the North, and towards the West.
Ancient specimens of Roman and Grecian Glass. Antiquities & Works of Art.
Antiquities and Works of Art. Ancient specimens of Roman and Grecian Mosaic Glass. Amphora, Cruche, or Œnochœ, small Bottle, ribbed Cup.