A brilliant artist of high repute in his day. Some of his prints, especially the earlier ones, are of distinguished quality.
Tag: Japan Costume
Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Japanese military leader 16th century.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598) japanese warlord, feudal lord and court noble
The governor of Hakodate and Suite.
Bungo or Prefect, Hahodadi (Hakodadi). While witnessing the wrestling match.
Nô, Noh-men or Omote, jap. 能 楽 robes.
Nō, Noh-men or Omote, Is a traditional Japanese theatre, which traditionally played only by men (danced) and is accompanied by music.
Japanese noblewomen with child in 1810.
Japanese Noblewomen with child in court dress by Franz von Siebold
Japanese Nobleman in court dress, 1810.
Japanese nobleman with states clothing by Franz von Siebold
Japanese citizens. Traditional clothing 1810.
Japanese citizens in traditional clothing about 1810, by Franz von Siebold.
Japanese woman with high rank.
Nippon by Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796-1866). Illustration: Kawahara Keiga.