Historic dress in America during the Republic under George Washington and John Adams.
Category: 1795
Costumes and Fashion in 1795
Fashion types of the Directory. Stock exchange speculators and crooks.
France 18th century. Fashion types from the time of the Directory. Stock exchange speculators and crooks. The Merveilleuses and the Incroyables.
Female costumes and fashion from 1794 to 1800. France 18th century.
The comfortable costume, in which the belt was attached at a normal height, was soon followed by the close-fitting dress, the robe collante
The fashions of the end of the 18th century. After German Journals.
Europe. 18th century. The French influence. Under the reign of terror, the development of fashions began and reached perfection under the direction of the Directorate.
A Lady and a Gallant. France Directoire 1795.
A Lady and a Gallant. France 1795.
Merveilleuse and Incroyable. French fashion of the Directoire.
Timeline of the French Revolution 1789 – 1799.
Timeline of the French Revolution 1789 – 1799. January 24, 1789 – November 9, 1799 – Coup of 18 Brumaire to Paris – the end of the French Revolution.
Member of the French Directoire 1795-1799
Member of the French Directoire 1795-1799.
Manteaux. Les Modes sous la Revolution 1792-1799.
L’histoire du costume féminin français. Les Modes sous la Revolution 1792 – 1799. Manteaux. Spencer, Redingote, Manteau, Carrick, Manteau à basques derrière, Echarpe.
Robes. Les Modes sous la Revolution. Costume féminin français.
L’histoire du costume féminin français. Les Modes sous la Revolution 1792 – 1799. Robes. Mme Roland, Théroigne de Méricourt, Joséphine de Beauharnais, Merveilleuse, Mme J. Chénier.
Louis XVI fashion 1770-1795. Werther costume.
Histoire du costume. Fashion in the time of Louis XVI. 1770-1795.